Current projects include the development of electroanalytical methods to trigger and follow target molecules throughout a molecular interface designed with biological functionalities.

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Mesoscopic electrochemistry is about the use of mesoscopic physical concepts to describe the properties of interfacial electrochemical events.
One of the most sensitive and powerful means of doing molecular diagnostics is by the use of time-dependent electro-analytical techniques such as those based on spectroscopic methods which can be optimized to follow the analysis in a single frequency.
Within the context of mimetics, the Nanobionics group has created strategies to study biological affinity and binding kinetics on the surface of electrodes by using changes in the electronic or electrochemical signal of the interface.

Quantum Electrochemistry
Computer simulation methods constitute a powerful tool in understanding molecular systems, offering a connection between observed macroscopic phenomena and microscopic interaction through different timescales.
Molecular scale capacitance is an important phenomenon in electrochemistry having important applications in designing capacitive interfaces for molecular diagnostic devices.